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Blood Alley the Movie

Blood Alley the Movie is a comedy horror as well as a historical fiction.

Set in Chillicothe Ohio, several groups of theater goers find themselves in the middle of what appears to be a zombie outbreak. 

The groups discover strange side effects due to the outbreak as zombie like transformations take place include the urge to tell unfiltered truths about themselves. 

Survivors from the different story line must join forces to uncover the mysteries that tell the whole story of The Majestic Theater, an ancient Knights Templar,  The Spanish Flu of 1918 and Blood Alley.

the film
The facts
The mission


Chillicothe Makes A Movie

The Mission of this project was to invoke a strong sense of community through the power of film making. Several writers, actor, comedians, film makers, makeup artist, and artists came together to make this a reality. Chillicothe citizens and out of town supporters were all welcome to attend a Zombie Walk and Film shoot which took an entire day (from sunlight to sundown). A portion of total event proceeds are intended to go to local causes to help with local issues involved in the community. Thank you to all that participated in the event and we hope to see you again soon. 



A Historical Fiction

Blood Alley gets it's name from a story 100 years old. During World War I the city of Chillicothe, Ohio became a training town for soldiers. Camp Sherman was constructed and played home to thousands of soldiers soon to see battle. But the real battle was right at home as a flu epidemic began to infect and kill soldiers in the thousands. The small city didn't have the capacity to hospitalize such large numbers of sick and dying. Eventually dead bodies were stored in public locations such as the Majestic Theater. It was said that the embalming process involved the blood of the dead to be poured into the alley next to the theater...soon to be known as blood alley. 

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